Nutmeg's First Fast CAT Trial
Under sunny skies but high humidity, Nutmeg Portuguese Water Dog club held its first Fast CAT trial on June 30, 2024 at the Showcase for Dogs site in East Windsor, CT. There were a total of 193 runs, including 12 PWDs. There were 171 qualifying runs.
The trial was a huge success due to the direction and incredible organization skills of Ginny Cuneo, the trial chairperson. Everyone knew their jobs, and the dogs and their humans moved through the line efficiently and smoothly. In fact we ran ahead of schedule most of the day. Many thanks to all of our volunteers for making the day such a success. A shout out to our Nutmeg volunteers: Hannah Barber, Jane Freeman, Janet Kutner, Melinda Harvey, Nancy Dooley, Patrice Latrell, Sharon & Sol Linet, Sue Robinson, Patrice Lattrell, and Sue Robinson. Also a special thanks to the Hartford-Springfield Collie Club members Dawn and Bethany Yombrick and Ann-Marie Ely.